Benjamin, Aaronson, Edinger & Patanzo, P.A.

Broward Criminal Defense attorneys

Fort Lauderdale Broward Criminal Defense attorneys

Miami Dade, Palm Beach

Since 1984 the Broward Criminal Defense attorneys at BAE&P have defended the rights of those accused or charged in alleged criminal activity. We believe everyone has a right to defend themselves in a court of law no matter what the charge might be. With a main office in downtown Fort Lauderdale we are centrally located in the tri-county area of Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach counties.

There are a lot of Broward Criminal Defense attorneys to choose from. We appreciate the opportunity to discuss your criminal case and potentially represent you.  We will aggressively fight to defend yourself against any criminal accusation or charge you may face. The lawyers at Benjamin, Aaronson, Edinger and Patanzo are here to fight for your freedom.

Call for a free initial consultation regarding your criminal matter.  (954) 779-1700

All crimes are not the same. Crimes can be committed against people or property. These crimes can be considered a petty offense, misdemeanor or a felony. Misdemeanors are considered a less serious crime then felonies.

Common felonies include drug possession/distribution, murder, sexual crimes,  burglary, robbery, kidnapping, and fraud.

Common misdemeanors include involvement in prostitution, public intoxication, speeding, trespassing, among others.

Whether a crime is considered a felony or misdemeanor may be determined by aggravating factors of the crime itself.

There are often times that people are incorrectly charged or they may have no involvement in the crime they were charged for at all. Good lawyers can sort through the actual facts of your case including the actions of Law Enforcement and those accusing you of the crime. Everything at our disposal that can help you will be used in your defense.

Of course there are too many crimes to list here but no matter what the charge the Broward Criminal Defense attorneys at BAEP can help you in your Federal or State criminal defense.


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