Fort Lauderdale Florida Domestic Assault Defense Lawyers
In our experience, there are more people wrongfully charged with domestic violence than any other crime. Whenever police are called to the scene of a family dispute, there is likely to be one person removed from the home and placed under arrest for domestic assault. Often, domestic violence and spousal abuse are charged as an act of emotional revenge, when one of the spouses becomes angry or frustrated about something that occurred in the relationship.
If you have been charged with domestic violence, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to help sort out fact from fiction. The attorneys of Benjamin, Aaronson, Edinger & Patanzo. P.A. located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, have more than 60 years of combined experience protecting people’s futures after being charged with spousal abuse, child abuse or another family violence charge. Our attorneys are former prosecutors and public defenders with extensive experience in family violence law. We know what evidence can be used against you by prosecutors, and we know how to obtain the best possible outcome for your charges.
We don’t roll over
Too many criminal defense lawyers think that simply getting a light sentence is the best they can do. Our goals are always aimed at keeping you out of jail and keeping a conviction off your record. A conviction for a domestic assault on your record is not in your best interest. Depending upon the circumstances of your case, there may be programs available to help you keep a domestic violence conviction off your record. We work to get you into a program that is right for you. When you complete the program satisfactorily, the conviction may be removed from your record.
Learn more about domestic violence at our Criminal Defense Practice Center
Contact our offices to schedule a free consultation about how we can provide effective defense of your domestic violence charges. Start protecting your future with a call to our offices now.