The nature of a pendulum is that it swings back and forth. It has been used many times as a metaphor for politics, religion, for interpersonal relationships, and virtually any idea or standard. The problem with the pendulum is that…
A Hypocritical Patriot, HyPOTUS
Apparently by taking a knee while the National Anthem is being played disrespects the military, the first responders, law enforcement, the flag and the country. That is what our President would have you believe. Although these athletes are not standing…
Nothing’s True, Believe Me!
By now, anybody with eyes, ears and an open mind realizes that the 2016 Presidential Election was greatly influenced by the Russians. No one will ever know whether that influence caused the defeat of Hillary Clinton and the election of…
It’s for Everyone but You
There is a saying in the law, “Bad facts make bad law”. In essence, some of the worst interpretations of the law come from cases in which the facts are so egregious. The Fourth Amendment Right to be free from…
Broken Dreams
Our country is broken and it will never be the same again. Why do we say that? It is undisputed by 16 intelligence agencies that the Russians interfered with our presidential election of 2016. Our President refuses to acknowledge this…
Not the New Normal
During the first episode of Hulu’s series “A Handmaid’s Tale”, which takes place in the not-too-distant future, one of the characters explains to a group of women, whose sole purpose is to breed the next generation, that what seems unusual…
Excluded by Religious Belief
Most of the time we speak on the First Amendment as it relates to Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Expression, or delve into the political world. We talk about upcoming elections or the results of the last one, and news…
The Liar in Chief
For the many years that we have been writing this column, we have focused our attention on the First Amendment; whether that be Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Association, Freedom of Religion or Freedom of Assembly. Yet,…
Free because of a Free Press
This month’s article may seem somewhat redundant to some of the articles in the past. We will once again trumpet the need for a free and vibrant press and our fears that the current occupant of the White House wishes…
Trump’s FAKE premise
Well the day finally came. Donald Trump is now the President of the United States. In contradiction to prevailing wisdom, the sky did not actually fall. However, it does appear to be hanging a little lower than it used to.…